Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sliced Webpage

This is a screenshot of my sliced up webpage for DDSGN220.

I had to create an image in Photoshop then slice it all up and import it seamlessly to Adobe Dreamweaver. Sounds like a challenge. I managed to pull it off with some trial and tribulation. The technical aspects of this project were more evident while combining all of the slices in Dreamweaver. If even one pixel is off, you have a problem. Creating the image in Photoshop was quite easy and so was the slicing. Once I saved each slice separately as .png images, I had to create space (divs) in Dreamweaver and place the slices as the backgrounds to those divisions. I did have some troubleshooting over the positioning of the divisions but I think I handled it decently. I have pretty high hopes for my grade on this project since I spent quite a bit of time creating it and making it look solid.

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