Sunday, February 23, 2014

HTML5 Slider images

The first image is the original, and the other two images are variations of the end result. This assignment was to create an interactive HTML 5 slider image that a user can click to change the text. I had a few issues with the text not turning out how I wanted it to. I made both end results and decided that I liked them both but I liked the final image with the black background and not the lightning one so much. The text needed to match the word with the theme. I chose the word Rain because I enjoy the fall weather quite a bit and its part of my gaming name (DarkNiteRain). This assignment was done with Adobe Edge Animate and Photoshop. I used Photoshop to create the text and finished results. I imported them into Adobe Edge and gave it some interactivity. Overall, I really enjoyed the assignment and the final result. The one thing I don't think I did very well on, was the overall size of the images. The originals were made in HD 1920 x 1080 and therefore the final result is quite large in size.When ya have HD pounded into your brain, its hard not to make it the default size for most projects. *Thanks Beeg*

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