Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sliced Webpage

This is a screenshot of my sliced up webpage for DDSGN220.

I had to create an image in Photoshop then slice it all up and import it seamlessly to Adobe Dreamweaver. Sounds like a challenge. I managed to pull it off with some trial and tribulation. The technical aspects of this project were more evident while combining all of the slices in Dreamweaver. If even one pixel is off, you have a problem. Creating the image in Photoshop was quite easy and so was the slicing. Once I saved each slice separately as .png images, I had to create space (divs) in Dreamweaver and place the slices as the backgrounds to those divisions. I did have some troubleshooting over the positioning of the divisions but I think I handled it decently. I have pretty high hopes for my grade on this project since I spent quite a bit of time creating it and making it look solid.

HTML5 Slider images

The first image is the original, and the other two images are variations of the end result. This assignment was to create an interactive HTML 5 slider image that a user can click to change the text. I had a few issues with the text not turning out how I wanted it to. I made both end results and decided that I liked them both but I liked the final image with the black background and not the lightning one so much. The text needed to match the word with the theme. I chose the word Rain because I enjoy the fall weather quite a bit and its part of my gaming name (DarkNiteRain). This assignment was done with Adobe Edge Animate and Photoshop. I used Photoshop to create the text and finished results. I imported them into Adobe Edge and gave it some interactivity. Overall, I really enjoyed the assignment and the final result. The one thing I don't think I did very well on, was the overall size of the images. The originals were made in HD 1920 x 1080 and therefore the final result is quite large in size.When ya have HD pounded into your brain, its hard not to make it the default size for most projects. *Thanks Beeg*

Skull Animation

For this assignment, we were tasked with animating shapes in After Effects to create a design and to learn the shape layer animation tools. I created the entire picture in Illustrator so that I would be working with vectors. After I imported the illustrator file into AE, I created outlines of each object and converted them into shape layers. Then, I applied all of the keyframes and fired off a test render. Well that didn't work so well. Back to the drawing board to make some adjustments. This process occured multiple times and needless to say, I am pleased with the finished result. The eyes got a little funky while rendering but no matter what I tried to fix it, it still occurs when i render it from After Effects. Overall, I enjoyed this project and the final result. I wanted this to be sort of an expansion on my vinyl sticker and the only thing that really shows the link between the two is the text on the head. Still looks awesome! The audio is from flashkit and everything else was created from scratch by me.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

SLAM covers and folios

 Here are some SLAM magazine covers I created as well as two Folios to go with the designs. I wanted the folios to be interchangeable with the covers. I used Photoshop to create the covers and Illustrator to create the folios. For the covers, I used various filters and effects to make each cover have a nice solid look to it. I really enjoyed making the covers and I feel like they show off my skills quite well. I think I will do quite good on this project and hopefully my cover gets used on SLAM magazine.

For the creation of the folios, I used Illustrator to create the basic shapes I wanted and then I used the pathfinder tools to hollow the shapes out and allow me to shrink and stack smaller shapes inside.

Dark Vinyl Sign

For this assignment, we were instructed to create a logo and then use the Roland cutting tools to cut out design out of different colors of vinyl. After cutting the design into the vinyl, we needed to weed the excess vinyl off and then stack the layers to create a solid sticker. I used the text Dark and a pair of sinister eyes. The technical aspects of this project were very similar to the process I use to dying disc golf discs. Make a design, cut it out and apply it. I needed to find a good place to stick it and make it look good. After multiple days of searching for a good place to stick it, I decided to put it on my old acoustic guitar. Overall I love the finished product and I am going to be making more vinyl stickers soon.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Drawing Tablet Digital Painting - Pyramid

I really enjoyed learning how to use the drawing tablet. I used Photoshop in combination with the drawing tablet to paint on top of an image. The selection tools came in big here to help me define the base shapes for the orb and pyramid. I would make a selection on the original image that I was going to paint over. I would then create a new layer and use that to paint but stay inside of the selection. After I got everything painted and looking decent I used some blur in combination with some dodging and some burning to create shadows and highlights. I used various Photoshop brushes to create strokes and shapes that I could blur and liquify to create this awesome pyramid! I don't feel that I am good at using the tablet...yet. I will continue to use one and hopefully ill be able to fully immerse myself in creating art with a drawing tablet. I like how this one turned out if it is only my second attempt at using the tablet and pen combination.