Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Wall Card Game Designs

For this assignment, we had to create four cards based on a card game called "The Wall." The object of the card game is to build up pairs of 3 wall cards and build four rows of walls. You also have a reinforcement card for allowing your wall (3 card set) to take an extra hit of damage from an opponents damage card. The fourth card design was what the back of all of the cards would looks like. This assignment was to be done to a specific size in Adobe Illustrator and maintain only vector graphics. I used various techniques to create this cards. I used gradients, the pathfinder tools, and alt+dragged tons. I think these cards would be an incredible set if they are chosen to be printed and I would enjoy playing a game with a set of cards I created. Overall, I am very pleased with how the final cards look even though I was quite rusty using Illustrator. What can I say? Photoshop is king.

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