Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Game in Construct 2

Another game creation assignment. I liked working with Construct 2 for this game instead of GameSalad. This assignment wasn't a very technical one due to the user friendly interface of Construct. Everything was very easily programmed and I did not have to correct any errors as I didn't encounter any. In my book that is a victory and a half. I think the finished game is a little bland but overall I feel like I'll do well on it. I have a passion for spacial things and UFO's and all the science-y Carl Sagan stuff so naturally this game takes place in space and features a circular UFO shootin' lasers at some weird alien ships. Naming the game wasn't a requirement but if I had to give it a name it would be Generic Kill Stuff-O-Tron 3K Version 4. The process I used to create this game was to create assets for the ship, the lasers, the background, the enemy ships and the death animating skull.
I created the assets in Photoshop and saved them as .png24 w/transparecy. I imported them into the Construct engine and then gave each asset its own set of rules and functions. I enjoy Construct 2 and its usability so I think I will play around with it more in the future.

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