Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Card Dance

Card Dance is an interesting effect in After Effects. For this project, I created a 3x3 grid in Photoshop and created 9 sections of equal dimensions. I used a fixed sized selection to grab parts of images from my Advanced Photoshop class and put them on the grid. I created a gradient in photoshop and imported it into its own composition in After Effects. The gradient's composition was then animated to rotate 360 degrees over a 10 second period. I created a second composition and imported the 3x3 grid image. Then I applied Card Dance to the 3x3 grid composition and set the gradient to control how the the card dance would split the grid to add extra animation. I exported it and ran it through Adobe Premiere Pro to add some music and export as a smaller file size. Overall, I think this project was pretty easy to accomplish and I hope to do well on it. I was trying to get this project to be a preview of my Adv. Photoshop classwork.

Game in Construct 2

Another game creation assignment. I liked working with Construct 2 for this game instead of GameSalad. This assignment wasn't a very technical one due to the user friendly interface of Construct. Everything was very easily programmed and I did not have to correct any errors as I didn't encounter any. In my book that is a victory and a half. I think the finished game is a little bland but overall I feel like I'll do well on it. I have a passion for spacial things and UFO's and all the science-y Carl Sagan stuff so naturally this game takes place in space and features a circular UFO shootin' lasers at some weird alien ships. Naming the game wasn't a requirement but if I had to give it a name it would be Generic Kill Stuff-O-Tron 3K Version 4. The process I used to create this game was to create assets for the ship, the lasers, the background, the enemy ships and the death animating skull.
I created the assets in Photoshop and saved them as .png24 w/transparecy. I imported them into the Construct engine and then gave each asset its own set of rules and functions. I enjoy Construct 2 and its usability so I think I will play around with it more in the future.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Wall Card Game Designs

For this assignment, we had to create four cards based on a card game called "The Wall." The object of the card game is to build up pairs of 3 wall cards and build four rows of walls. You also have a reinforcement card for allowing your wall (3 card set) to take an extra hit of damage from an opponents damage card. The fourth card design was what the back of all of the cards would looks like. This assignment was to be done to a specific size in Adobe Illustrator and maintain only vector graphics. I used various techniques to create this cards. I used gradients, the pathfinder tools, and alt+dragged tons. I think these cards would be an incredible set if they are chosen to be printed and I would enjoy playing a game with a set of cards I created. Overall, I am very pleased with how the final cards look even though I was quite rusty using Illustrator. What can I say? Photoshop is king.

Wordpress Site

For this assignment , we were tasked with creating a multiple page website through the content management system, Wordpress.com. There are a lot of menus on wordpress and each menu has quite a few options. Once I had created the 4 pages and let wordpress link them to each other, I added in my pictures, videos, and artwork. This assignment wasn't a very technical or time consuming but overall the result looks pretty good. The requirements for the assignment stated that we had to turn off the sidebars completely by removing each section. Meta was the only section that cannot be removed completely. Another thing I enjoyed was looking at all of the various themes available but most of the really professional ones had a price tag. I think I nailed the technical aspects of this assignment and hope to do well.

My wordpress webpage can be found here.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Email Newsletter

For this assignment, we had to create an email newsletter and email it to our instructor. This assignment is something that I should have given more attention to. I know the technical work is where I'd get my points, but overall it was a quick creation. I have a full plate and this was the one assignment that I think fell short.

Website template reconstruction.

For this assignment we were instructed to find a website template and convert it into something we could call our own. The technical portions of this assignment were really getting to me as I tried to find and use a suitable template. Quite a few of the templates I had tried were full of crazy html code that I know nothing about. I created the graphics in photoshop and everything else was done in dreamweaver. The template I chose was pretty simplistic but I think I did a pretty solid job. I love the coloring of the separators and how it matches the detail outside of the main division. Overall, I think I did quite well creating this website and I hope to do well when it is graded.